Creating a smoke free Tairāwhiti and Eastern Bay of Plenty

Te Moana a Toi (Eastern and Western Bay of Plenty), Te Arawa (Lakes) and Te Tairāwhiti Smokefee Coalitions in Whakatane

He waka eke noa. 
We’re all in this together.

At Healthy Families East Cape, we know the importance of having spaces and places that support our health and wellbeing.    
Throughout Aotearoa, Māori have higher smoking rates and higher rates of death and tobacco-related illness than non-Māori. Daily smoking rates for Māori adults in 2022/23 were 17.1%, and current smoking rates for Māori adults are 20.2%. Smoking accounts for around 90,000 years of life lost per annum New Zealand, and the equivalent around 120,000 years lived in poor health. 

Smokefree public places enable our communities to be healthy, liveable and with whānau -friendly spaces. We’ve been working to shift the system alongside our partners and community to create a smokefree region here in Tairāwhiti and throughout the Eastern Bay of Plenty. We’ve been actively working alongside key influencers and local and central government to accelerate progress towards a smokefree future. This work supports and aligns to the Government’s Goal of a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 and the implementation of the Smokefree Action Plan

By reducing the harmful exposure to second-hand smoke, supporting smokers to quit, reducing the environmental impact of cigarette litter and providing an opportunity for healthy role modelling to our tamariki, we can support people to lead smokefree lives. 
The Government has this year introduced an Amendment Bill that changes previous plans to regulate smoked tobacco. But whether it’s legally required or not, there are many benefits to having a smokefree community, including: 

  • positive role modelling behaviour for tamariki & youth  

  • a healthy whānau-friendly environment protecting non-smokers from the dangers of second-hand smoke  

  • catering for whānau who do not smoke 

  • a progressive healthy image in your community 

  • encouraging stopping smoking among whānau and the wider community 

  • reduced fire risk, which may lead to lower insurance premiums 

  • reduced cleaning and maintenance costs. 

Healthy Families East Cape joined the Te Moana a Toi (Eastern and Western Bay of Plenty), Te Arawa (Lakes) and Te Tairāwhiti Smokefee Coalitions in Whakatane. 

As shared by Healthy Families East Cape Rautaki Maori, Jade Kameta: 

“August was my first engagement with the Smokefree Coalition, where I connected with passionate individuals bringing diverse skills and perspectives. We discussed strategies to accelerate progress toward Smokefree Aotearoa 2025, and I was inspired by the commitment to creating safe, healthy environments for tamariki and rangatahi. 

“As Healthy Families East Cape's Rautaki Māori, I ensure our approach is guided by mātauranga Māori, reflecting our values in tackling smoking cessation and prevention. This initial meeting laid the foundation for a collaborative journey, driven by shared knowledge, local leadership, and community-focused solutions toward a healthier future.” 

With ongoing leadership and continued support by local Mayors, Councillors and organisations throughout our small community, Healthy Families East Cape are hoping to work collaboratively to shift and transform conditions within the system to make it easier to quit smoking and enhance smokefree environments throughout our region.  

The true collective effort by local government, community and members of the Alliance Group has been and will continue to be integral to the success and demonstrates the impact of collective action and influence. 

As we reflect on the smokefree journey locally and the wider journey towards a Smokefree Aotearoa, we are proud of what has been collectively achieved and look forward to continuing the momentum to a healthier future. 

If you would like to learn more, get in touch with Healthy Families East Cape Rautaki Maori, Jade Kameta, ​


Connecting across our Healthy Families movement


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